Research that utilises interviews and surveys usually involves the processing of personal data at least in the form of indirect identifiers, which is why such research material must primarily be processed as confidential personal data material. For example, an interviewee’s voice, contact information and participation consent are regarded as personal data. In surveys, general background variables, such as age, gender, occupation and place of residence, constitute indirect identifiers that, when combined, may lead to the identification of a participant. Open answers may also produce data containing identifiers.
If you plan to conduct an interview or a survey for your thesis, start by discussing it with your supervisor and by familiarising yourself with the University of Vaasa Data Protection Statement and website on data protection (currently available only in Finnish). More information above under the heading Data Protection (GDPR).
Prepare a privacy notice for research participants and include at least the following information:
NB: For consent to be valid, it must be a informed, freely given, and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes.
Conduct the interviews or survey in accordance with information security requirements.
Prefer the tools provided by the University of Vaasa, such as Zoom or Webropol..
Do not save recordings or survey responses in commercial cloud services!
Select a storage solution suitable for storing personal data. If you use storage solutions provided by the university, familiarise yourself with the data processing guidelines. For example the University of Vaasa cloud service can be used for storing encrypted personal data.
If you save the files on your own devices, ensure their protection.
Minimise the amount of personal data:
Avoid processing direct identifiers, such as names.
Do not collect additional personal information just in case.
Delete (anonymise) identification information or replace (pseudonymise) it with codes that only you can open, if needed.
Do not name files with information containing identifiers such as interviewee names.
Store personal data material only for the necessary period stated in the privacy notice.
Delete personal data material upon the expiration of the data storage period, for example by overwriting.
If you need assistance with deleting confidential data, contact the University of Vaasa IT Services.
If you are planning to reuse the data: