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Responsible Thesis-Writing Process

The University of Vaasa's guidelines for research ethics and research data management.

Request for Permission from the Organisation Being Studied

Depending on the subject and implementation of the research project, the student must find out whether research permission is needed and, if so, request it from the appropriate parties. A research permission application for a thesis research project must first be approved by the supervisor. Permission is granted by the target organisation. Please note that the permission process of some parties may be time-consuming.

The University of Vaasa as the Object of Study

For all scientific research in which the University of Vaasa is being studied (as an organisation, or its personnel or students), applying for research permission using this electronic form is required. A research plan must be attached to the application. University of Vaasa researchers, teachers and students must also apply for research permission.

University research permits may relate to, but are not limited to, teaching, theses, research or personnel interviews or surveys of the University of Vaasa as an organisation. Please note that the University of Vaasa can grant permits only for conducting research, while it is the decision of each individual to participate, or decline to participate, in research.

Request research permission before beginning to collect data. For certain research designs a preliminary ethical review may be required. In such cases, the review must be completed prior to the request for research permission.

If personal data is processed in the study, a data protection notice and possibly an impact assessment must also be attached to the request for research permission.

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