The publications in these series are in general only published online. If printed books are necessary, they can be paid by the school or project.
Vaasan yliopiston tutkimuksia – University of Vaasa Research Papers series includes research studies and reports within the field of basic or applied research intended mainly for a domestic audience.
You can find them from Osuva, the University of Vaasa Publications collection, by limiting the search to peerReviewed.
In Vaasan yliopiston raportteja - University of Vaasa Reports series you can publish various reports, educational materials, feasibility studies, and conference papers.
You can find them from Osuva, the University of Vaasa Publications collection, by limiting the search to nonPeerReviewed.
The timetable may be extended for several reasons, for example:
Secretary of the publishing committee
The Publishing Committee discusses the review and the manuscript and makes a decision.
Publishing services informs the author of the manuscript and the Publications Secretary about the publishing permit.
Publishing services produces the first pages and if the publication is printed, the covers and finalizes the layout.
Secretary of the publishing committee
Publishing services produces the first pages and possible covers and finalizes the layout.
Accessibility requirements apply to all university publications, especially textbooks for entrance examinations and study material intended for a course. The publishing services require the author to be precise in following the guidelines. More time should be reserved for publication since an EPUB3 e-book is prepared for these publications in addition to a traditional PDF.
On the university's website, the instructions for participating in the entrance examinations tell about the possible future entrance examination material. The student can make a purchase proposal for it to the Accessibility Library Celia. The version produced by Celia must be available to the student on the day of publication, so the publication produced by the publishing services must be ready well in advance of the publication date.
As a rule, Festschrifts are published as online publications, instructions in accordance with the University of Vaasa Research Papers or University of Vaasa Reports.