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Publishing in the university's own series

Writing instructions for the University of Vaasa series Acta Wasaensia, University of Vaasa Research Papers and University of Vaasa Reports


A creator - like you - can stand out from others and get credit for your work.

ORCID identifier

  • resolves confusion arising from name changes, researchers with the same name, or different ways of writing a person’s name.
  • enables your research outputs to be automatically linked to each other.
  • will, over time, reduce the need to enter the same personal and publication data into many different systems.

The ORCID identifier can be used

  • alongside the names of authors of scientific publications and other research output.
  • when peer reviewing.
  • and SoleCRIS.
  • to link various reference database IDs (ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID).
  • on a researcher's website or blog.
  • in a researcher's email signature, CV, and other services that handle information about their research.



Books and series have identifiers to set them apart.

ISBN and ISSN identifiers

All publications published by the university have a unique ISBN (International Book Standard Number), that helps find and use them through different databases. Otherwise, they might remain as “gray literature” that is hard to find and utilize. Both printed and online versions have an ISBN of their own.

All university publication series have their own unique ISSN for the same reason. Both identifiers are added to the publication in the publishing services.

ISBNs are not handed over in advance.

ISBN for other university publications

To obtain an ISBN for non-serial publications, the online publication must be submitted to Osuva and the printed publication must be submitted to the Tritonia collections. For further information, please contact

Web resource

Web pages change, move, or disappear. Persistent identifiers are more reliable than regular web addresses.

Persistent identifiers (PID) for documents are publisher's commitment to keep documents available regardless of changes in web pages. Persistent identifiers are registered centrally. When the end-user wishes to access a certain document, the identifier in their request is ‘resolved’, i.e., the correct document is retrieved without the end-user needing to know the exact location of the document.

DOI - Digital Object Identifier


URN - Uniform Resource Name

ARK - Archival Resource Key

University's publications get the URN identifier based on the ISBN number in the publishing services.

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