Original photo: Laia Ros(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
How do I link to articles, e-journals and e-books in my Moodle course? What are the user rights for the e-resources? Where can I find information on copyright? This guide for teachers gives you answers to all these questions. The instructions for creating persistent links may be useful for anyone, for example when making a reference list for your thesis.
When linking to licensed e-resources from an online course, it is important to create links that also work remotely, outside the university network (proxy links). It is also useful to create persistent links (permalinks), as links copied from the address bar are too long and may easily stop working. Always remember to check your links! You will find more information on the following pages:
You can use the e-resources that your university subscribes to within the university network and via remote access.
Remote use: Students and staff can access the e-resources remotely by logging in with their own username, provided by the university.
The library acquires e-resources through the FinELib consortium and also directly from the database vendors. The user rights for the resources are defined in the license agreements. Usually resources may be used when teaching, studying and doing research. Commercial use of e-resources is not allowed.