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E-resources in teaching

Proxy links and persistent links

Creating a proxy link

When linking to an article or an e-book in your online course, you must always add the proxy server address of your university to the front of the URL. This will enable students to open the article or the e-book also outside the university network. The proxy link will automatically open a login window, where students enter their university username and password.

Proxy server addresses:
University of Vaasa:


How to create a proxy link, example:
The below link goes to an article published in Journal of Management Studies. Add the proxy server address of your university to the front of the link in order to make it work remotely.

Note! If you are creating a link via remote access outside your university network, you do not have to add the proxy server address - it will automatically be included in the URL.

Persistent links to articles

Persistent link (permalink)

Links to articles are usually long and can change, which means that the link will no longer work. Therefore, it is recommended to use persistent links, which are shorter and remain unchanged. Many databases provide persistent links.

Database-specific guidelines for linking

User rights for e-resources

The library acquires e-resources through the FinELib consortium and also directly from the database vendors. The user rights for the resources are defined in the license agreements. Usually resources may be used when teaching, studying and doing research. Commercial use of e-resources is not allowed.

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