Links to articles are usually long and can change, which means that the link will no longer work. Therefore, it is recommended to use persistent links, which are shorter and remain unchanged.
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Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Use according to license terms: When linking to resources, references must be included (source, title, copyright holder). Links must go directly to the database of the vendor (saving the article in PDF format and linking it to the course is not allowed).
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Use according to license terms: When linking to resources, references must be included (source, title, copyright holder). Links must go directly to the database of the vendor (saving the article in PDF format and linking it to the course is not allowed).
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Note! The Harvard Business Review license does not allow users to link to its resources. Students must search the journal in Finna och teacher can link the journal's Finna link to Moodle.
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Use according to license terms: When linking to resources, references must be included (source, title, copyright holder). Links must go directly to the database of the vendor (saving the article in PDF format and linking it to the course is not allowed).
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Use according to license terms: When linking to resources, references must be included (source, title, copyright holder). Links must go directly to the database of the vendor (saving the article in PDF format and linking it to the course is not allowed).
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Remember to add the university proxy server address to the front of the URL! Otherwise your students will not be able to open the article or e-book from off campus. Guidelines
Use according to license terms: When linking to resources, references must be included (source, title, copyright holder). Links must go directly to the database of the vendor (saving the article in PDF format and linking it to the course is not allowed).
According to the license agreement, it is not allowed to link directly to complete SFS standards, neither can you add complete standards to your online course. Teaching staff may copy extracts of standards and add them as course material. Consequently, you can copy part of the standard text, save it in Word format and add the Word file to your online course, e.g. Moodle. More information on terms of use.
The library acquires e-resources through the FinELib consortium and also directly from the database vendors. The user rights for the resources are defined in the license agreements. Usually resources may be used when teaching, studying and doing research. Commercial use of e-resources is not allowed.