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LibGuide for Technology

University of Vaasa Finna

Electronic resources, such as e-books, e-journals and databases, can be accessed through your own university’s Finna. Remember to log in with your HAKA username to Finna to access e-resources remotely as well.

Picture with text Search in Finna and the logos of Finna search service, Tritonia and University of Vaasa


By clicking the link you can browse the databases in University of Vaasa Finna suitable for the subject.

In Finna, you can see the description of the database by clicking its name or the arrow in front of the name. It is good to search information in databases' own interfaces because their narrowing options are often more versatile. Watch this video tutorial on the search function Browse databases for more help. 

Ebook databases

You can browse databases in Finna according to material types. By choosing your field as Category and E-books as Material type, you will find e-book databases in your own field. See more information about different e-book services in theLibGuide E-books. You can also watch this video for help.

Selected journals for technology

You can browse e-journals in Finna according to category. Watch this video tutorial on e-journals for more help.

Industrial Management & Industrial Systems Analytics 

Smart Energy

Publication forum (JUFO) classification: Search for journals, series, conferences and book publishers that have a Publication Forum rating. The classification has three levels: 1 = basic; 2 = leading; 3 = top.

Industrial Management & Industrial Systems Analytics 

Smart Energy

Newspapers online

ePress newspapers: Vasabladet, Ilpo, Hesari

ePress - Finnish Newspapers

Helsingin sanomat, Ilkka-Pohjalainen, Vasabladet ja HBL. Accessible in the library and within the networks of University of Vaasa on campus. NB! No remote access, max. 4 simultaneous users.

PressReaderin magazines

PressReader - International Newspapers and Magazines

Newspapers and magazines from over 90 countries. Accessible in the library and within the networks of University of Vaasa, also remote access.


Electronic theses, dissertations and other publications of University of Vaasa can be found in the open publications archive Osuva. Osuva includes references, abstracts and full text of the publications.

MOT Kielipalvelu

Through University of Vaasa Finna, you can access MOT Kielipalvelu, a service that include several dictionaries, a machine translator and a proofing tool.

MOT sanakirjat logo

E-resources of Novia and VAMK

The students and staff of University of Vaasa can access the e-resources of Novia University of Applied Sciences and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences on the computers in Tritonia. Material can be saved to a USB flash drive or printed.

Company information

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