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LibGuide for Technology

Tritonia's printed collections

Textbooks and short loans

Printed textbooks and short loans are located on the first floor of the library. The loan period for textbooks is 14 days. For every textbook title, there is a short loan copy which can be borrowed for three days. Short loans must be returned by the end of the third working day, the overdue fee is 12 €. For example, if you borrow a short loan on Wednesday, you can keep it until the end of Monday.


Printed research literature

On the first floor of the library, you will find the most borrowed and recent research literature. Material located in remote stacks, such as most of the general collection and theses of Novia and VAMK, can be requested to be borrowed in Finna. Requested books are collected every working day, after which they can be picked up from the reservations shelf in the library. Older theses, dissertations and other publications of University of Vaasa as well as special collections are also in remote stacks and can be requested for reading room use with an e-form on Tritonia's homepage. Instructions on how to request material.


Printed journals

Information about printed journals available in Tritonia can be found in Finna. Newspapers and most recent issues of journals are on the second floor. Journals and newspapers cannot be borrowed but customers can copy articles with the copying machine at the library. Older issues of journals are located in remote stacks and can be requested with an e-form. They cannot be borrowed either.

Visit the Library

Tritonia, Vaasa   Kartta
Street address: Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Postal address: PL 331, 65101 Vaasa
Phone: 029 449 8258

Acquisition forms - suggest material to purchase!

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