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A patent gives you an exclusive right to use an invention. This means, for example, commercial manufacture, sales, and import of your product. Patents protect intellectual property. You can sell your patent or license someone to use your invention. A patent is in force in the countries where it has been applied for and granted. In Finland, patents are granted by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). A patent is in force for a limited period, usually up to 20 years from the filing date of the application.

The ABC of patenting

Patent classification

When searching for inventions within a particular field of technical science, you can use the patent classification. The patent classification will tell you which field of technical science the invention belongs to. The databases include a search field, where you can enter the class.

Useful links

The patent publication number is preceded by a two-digit country code, giving information on the country of publication. The list of country codes is based on WIPO standard.

The patent publication number is followed by a kind code indicating whether it is a published unexamined patent application, a published examined patent application, or a patent specification. Format for the kind code: letter + number, for example A1, B1. WIPO standard for kind codes.

Patent Gazette

By reading the Patent Gazette you will be up to date with patents valid in Finland, i.e. patents granted by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, or those granted by the European Patent Office and validated in Finland.

Utility Model Gazette

By reading the Utility Model Gazette you will be up to date with utility models granted in Finland. The gazette is published in the middle of each month, and it announces the inventions which the Finnish Patent and Registration Office has entered in its Utility Model Register.

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