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Hur hittar jag e-böcker?

De flesta e-böcker hittas via din egen högskolas Finnavy. En specifik e-bok hittas genom en sökning på bokens titel och länken finns i bokens detaljerade uppgifter. 

Du kan söka e-böcker med beskrivande sökord och avgränsa sökresultatet till e-böcker. Via Finna hittar du även länkar till olika e-bokstjänster. 

Även om största delen av e-böckerna hittas vid en sökning i Finna så är merparten av den svenska söktjänstens Biblios e-böcker inte sökbara direkt utan man vänder sig till söktjänsten för att söka.

Mera information i videoguiden om e-böcker.

Hur läser jag e-böcker?

E-böckerna används på olika sätt beroende på databas och titel. De vanligaste alternativen är:

  • Läsa i webbläsaren: e-boken öppnas och läses direkt i webbläsaren. Läsningen förutsätter nätuppkoppling.
  • Läsprogram: e-boken laddas ner till speciella läsprogram i vilka boken kan läsas offlinte, utan nätuppkoppling. För bibliotekets e-bokstjänster är det vanligaste läsprogrammet Adobe Digital Editions. Ladda ner programmet till din dator innan du laddar ner e-boken. Detaljerad information om installering av läsprogrammet. För att kunna ladda ner e-boken ska du ofta också skapa ett konto i den e-bokstjänst som e-boken finns.
  • Mobilapplikation: för mobila enheter kan e-bokstjänsterna ha en egen app med vilken e-boken kan öppnas. I din mobila enhets appbutik hittar du olika appar för e-boksläsning. 

Högskolornas e-bokstjänster

E-boktjänster och deras användning

E-books in management, business development, investing and self-development. Some available as audiobooks.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the service. 

The e-book is read online in a browser.

Creating an account 
You can create an Alma Talent account, which allows you to use the highlight and notepad functions. Sign out from the top right corner of the page and create the account. Use your university's email address, so that you can log in to the service also off campus.

Downloading for offline use is not possible.

Parts of the books can be printed for the user's own personal and non-commercial use.

Bisneskirjasto is used in a browser and is accessible. Books can also be read with the help of a screen reader, and all icons in the user interface have text alternatives. The books also have page numbers. Tables or images may not have text alternatives.

More information
Terms of Use - Alma Talent digipalvelut (in Finnish)

E-books in business, law and administration. New books are added to the platform on a regular basis. Some available as audiobooks.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the service. 

The e-book is read online in a browser.

Creating an account 
You can create an Alma Talent account, which allows you to use the highlighting and note-making functions. Sign out from the top right corner of the page and create the account. Use your university's email address, so that you can log in to the service also off campus.

Downloading for offline use is not possible.

Parts of the books can be printed for the user's own personal and non-commercial use.

Verkkokirjahylly is used in a browser and is accessible. Books can also be read with the help of a screen reader, and all icons in the user interface have text alternatives. The books also have page numbers. Tables or images may not have text alternatives.

More information
Terms of Use - Alma Talent digipalvelut (in Finnish)

Updated reference works on economics, taxation and law. 

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the service. 

The e-book is read online in a browser.

Creating an account 
You can create an Alma Talent account, which allows you to use the highlight and notepad functions. Sign out from the top right corner of the page and create the account. Use your university's email address, so that you can log in to the service also off campus.

Downloading for offline use is not possible.

Parts of the books can be printed for personal use.

More information
Terms of use (FinELib)

Innehåller ca 125 000 e-böcker och ljudböcker främst på svenska men även många andra språk. Biblio innehåller både fack- och skönlitteratur. 

Antal användare
Böckerna kan användas av obegränsat antal samtidiga användare.

Var hittas Biblios e-böcker
Böckerna hittas främst i Biblio eller i appen. Endast ett fåtal av böckerna hittas via en sökning i Finna.

Logga in till Biblio med Tritonias bibliotekskort och pinkod. Användarnamnet är bibliotekskortets nummer.

Böckerna kan läsas online i webbläsaren, via ett läsprogram eller i appen Biblio. Böcker i pdf-format kan inte öppnas i appen. Ljudböckerna kan strömmas online eller i appen.

För att kunna ladda ner en e-bok till din dator och läsa via ett läsprogram behöver du först skapa ett Adobe ID. Därefter laddar du ner läsprogrammet Adobe Digital Editions (instruktioner). 

På mobila enheter kan Biblios böcker läsas via appen Biblio, instruktioner. 

Utskrifter av e-böcker är vanligen inte tillåtna. Vid bokens information i Adobe Digital Editions hittar du information om huruvida du har rätt att skriva ut eller kopiera boken. 

Mera information

  • Lånetiden för e-böckerna är 28 dagar. Boken behöver inte och kan inte återlämnas före förfalldoagen. Böckerna kan inte reserveras eller förnyas.
  • Du kan låna 3 böcker/vecka.

I Tritonias Ellibs-samling finns ca 300 huvudsakligen inhemska e-böcker. Bland dessa finns även många kursböcker. I samlingen ingår några ljudböcker.

Antal användare
Antalet samtidiga användare beror på antalet licenser som förvärvats och varierar titelvis.

Logga in till Ellibs med Tritonias bibliotekskort och pinkod. Användarnamnet är bibliotekskortets nummer. Läs mera om bibliotekskortet.

Läsning och nedladdning
Böckerna kan, beroende på filformat, lånas för att läsas direkt i webbläsaren, i läsprogrammet som används på datorn eller i Ellibs-appen för mobila enheter:

  • I webbläsaren kan man öppna böcker i epub-format
  • I läsprogrammet (Thorium Reader eller Adobe Digital Editions) som ska installeras på datorn kan man öppna böcker både i epub- och pdf-format.
  • I Ellibs-appen kan man öppna böcker både i epub- och pdf-format

Vid bokens uppgifter ser man om boken kan öppnas direkt i webbläsaren eller ska laddas ner till ett läsprogram eller till appen.

Ladda ner läsprogrammet eller appen till enheten innan boken lånas och läs instruktionerna.

Ellibs övergår till att använda Thorium Reader som huvudsakligt läsprogram från och med 12.2.2025. Se videoinstruktionen: Att öppna en Ellibs-bok i Thorium Reader

Lyssna på en ljudbok
Ellibs ljudböcker kan lyssnas på i webbläsaren eller i Ellibs-appen för mobila enheter.

Lånetiden för böcker från Ellibs varierar från bok till bok (1, 7, 14 eller 28 dygn). När lånetiden går ut är boken inte längre tillänglig.

Utskrift och kopiering är begränsad. Det tillåtna antalet sidor beror på titeln. Det går inte att skriva ut när man läser i webbläsaren.

Man kan reservera böcker i epub-format: en reserverad bok laddas automatiskt upp till användarens bokhylla när den blir tillgänglig. Användaren får ett meddelande per e-post när lånetiden börjar.

Användaren kan ha max 10 böcker från Ellibs lånade samtidigt. På motsvarande sätt kan max 10 böcker reserveras samtidigt. 

Mera information

A small collection of e-books published by Emerald has been acquired for the University of Vaasa. The topics include management, business development and marketing. The user interface also shows books that are not accessible. You can limit your search to the ones that are available: Access -> Only content I have access to.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find books
The books can be found in Tritonia Finna by title and through Emerald's user interface.

Logging in
Log in to University of Vaasa Finna, and you will be able to access the service.

E-books are read online in a browser.

Books can be downloaded in PDF or EPUB format one chapter at a time.

More information

An e-book package of over 200 000 titles with updated content: new books will be added to the collection, but they can also be removed during the subscription period. Some books in the Ebook Central platform have also been acquired for permanent use. 

Number of users
Most books have unlimited access, but the collection also includes books with a limited number of simultaneous users (e.g. 1-3 users). The number of users allowed can be seen in the book's information on the site.

How to find books
Books can be found in Tritonia Finna by title, as well as through the Ebook Central database.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the database. 

Books can be read directly in a browser or downloaded for a fixed period of time to a computer or mobile device. Parts of the books can also be saved as PDF files. The number of pages available for downloading or saving is book-specific.

Books can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device for a fixed period of time for offline reading. You need the Adobe Digital Editions reader or app in your device. An Adobe ID is required if you plan to read e-books on more than one device. You can create the Adobe account when you download the program.

An account to Ebook Central is required to download (see below). Please note that all books are not available for download. Books with a single-user license cannot be downloaded for offline reading. Parts or chapters of a book can usually be saved as PDFs.

See the ProQuest guide for detailed download instructions.

Creating an account
You can create an Ebook Central account from the top right corner of the page, under "Sign in". Do not use your Haka credentials. The account gives you access to a bookshelf and allows you to use, e.g., the note-making and highlighting functions.

One user can have up to 10 books downloaded.

More information

E-books in various fields, acquired by title for permanent use.

Number of users
The number of simultaneous users varies: some books have unlimited access, but there are also books in the collection where the number of simultaneous users is limited (e.g. 1 or 3 users). The number of users can be seen in the book's information on the site.

How to find books
The books can be found in Tritonia Finna by title as well as through the EBSCO database.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the database.

Reading a book 
Books can be read online in a browser and usually downloaded for a fixed period of time to a computer or mobile device. In most cases, parts of the books can also be saved as PDF files. The number of pages available for downloading or saving is book-specific.

Downloading a book
Most books can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device for a fixed period of time to read without a network connection. In your device, you need the Adobe Digital Editions reader or app which can be downloaded for free online. EBSCO's own app, the EBSCO Mobile App, is also available for mobile devices, more information is available here

You also need a My EBSCOhost account to be able to download books. You can create the account during the download process or use the link "Sign in" in the upper right corner of the page. Don't use your Haka credentials to create the account. 

All titles are not available for offline download. Books with a single-user license cannot be downloaded for offline reading.

More information on downloading on the EBSCO support site

Creating an account
You can create the MyEBSCOhost account at the top right corner of the page, under "Sign In".

Printing is usually limited. The number of pages allowed depends on the book.

Placing a request
Books that are not available can be reserved through the My EBSCOhost account. You will receive an email notification when the book is available. More info.


E-kirjoja talouden, työsuhteen, juridiikan, johtamisen, myynnin, markkinoinnin ja viestinnän aihealueilta. Uusia kirjoja lisätään kokoelmaan, mutta niitä voi myös poistua kesken tilauskauden. Kirjat eivät päivity. Sisältö on yhteneväinen painetun kirjan kanssa. 

Kirjojen yhtäaikaista käyttäjämäärää ei ole rajoitettu.

Kirjaudu korkeakoulusi Finnaan, niin pääset palveluun.

Kirjan lukeminen
E-kirjaa luetaan verkkoyhteydellä selaimessa.

Kirjan lataaminen
Kirjoja ei ole mahdollista ladata luettavaksi ilman verkkoyhteyttä. Voit tallentaa yksittäisiä lukuja pdf-muotoon.

Tulostaminen vähäisessä määrin omaan käyttöön on sallittua.


E-books in the fields of technology and business. Also videos, audiobooks, case studies, online guides etc. New content is constantly added to the collection but can also be removed during the subscription period. Access for VAMK students and staff, no walk-in use at the library.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find books
The books can be found in the Tritonia Finna view for VAMK by title as well as through the O'Reilly interface.

Logging in 

Use the VAMK email address to log in. 

1) Open the link to the platform through VAMK Finna or LibGuides. 
2) Click "Institution not listed?" on the start page. 
3) Enter your VAMK email address under "Academic email".

You will receive email instructions on how to create an account after the first login. The username is your VAMK e-mail address and the password of your own choice. Once you have created the credentials, use the link "Already a user? Click here" on the login page in the future.

You can read books online in a browser or the mobile app (O'Reilly app). To use the app, you must have previously created an account to the O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform (see above).

More information

Over 700 e-books from SAGE in the fields of social sciences: economics, management, communication, media, and psychology. Available on the Talis Elevate platform. Access for University of Vaasa users only, no walk-in use at the library. 

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find the books
The books can be found in University of Vaasa Finna by title and through the user interface of the database. 

Logging in
Log in to the service with your University of Vaasa username and password.

Books are available for online reading. 

More information 

Individually acquired audit-related e-books.  

How to find the books
The books can be found by title in the Finna view of your university.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the books.

Books are read online in a browser.

The service includes up-to-date legislation, preliminary work and case law in Finnish. The books section includes the selection of books in Alma Talent Verkkokirjahylly.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find the books
The books in the database are included in the Alma Talent Verkkokirjahylly. You can find a link to Verkkokirjahylly and links to individual books in your university's Finna.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna to access the content.

Books are read online in a browser. 

Books are not available for download.

Creating an account
You can create an account to the service via the login menu in the top right corner. Use your university's email address to create the account.  

More information

Small subject collections (Green Technology and Energy; AI and Machine Learning) as well as individual books have been acquired for the University of Vaasa to the Taylor & Francis publisher's website. The site also shows books that are not accessible.

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find the books
The books can be found in University of Vaasa Finna by title and through the user interface of the database. 

Logging in
Log in to University of Vaasa Finna to get access. 

Books are available for online reading. Large e-book files (over 200 MB) do not open in the browser but are available only for download as PDF files.

Most e-books can be downloaded as PDFs in whole or partly. DRM permissions vary by book. 

Printing is limited. Allowed amounts are shown in the book's information.

More information


E-textbooks from Pearson and Sage among others. The library acquires the books individually, for a fixed term. The duration of the subscription period is 6-12 months. The library collection can be browsed on the "Explore" tab.

Number of users
The number of simultaneous users varies by title. The number of users is proportional to the number of students in the course. Click on "Book details" to see information about the licenses available.

How to find books
Books can be found in Tritonia Finna by title as well as through the VitalSource Explore platform.

Logging in
Log in to your university's Finna and open the link to the book or the platform. If you do not want to create a VitalSource account, choose "Continue without an account". The book will open once you have accepted the terms and conditions.  

Books are read online in a browser in VitalSource's Bookshelf app.

Books can be downloaded to a mobile device using VitalSource's Bookshelf app. More information  

Creating an account
You can choose to create a personal Bookshelf account. Do not use your Haka credentials. 

Loan periods and returning

  • Books with unlimited number of simultaneous users: Click "Open book" to start reading. These book do not have a specific loan period.
  • Books with limited number of simultaneous users: Click "Borrow" to start reading. The loan period is 4 hours. If the book has a single-user license, the loan period is 48 hours.
  • NOTE: Please always return the book with the "Return" button if you no longer need it. Closing the browser will not return the book.

More information

Individual e-books have been purchased for University of Vaasa to Wiley's platform. The site also shows books that are not accessible. 

Number of users
The books can have an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

How to find the books
The books can be found in University of Vaasa Finna by title. 

Logging in
Log in to University of Vaasa Finna to get access to the books. 

Books are available for online reading. 

E-books can be downloaded as PDFs in whole or partly.

You can print copies of parts of the book for personal use.

More information

E-bokstjänster som kan användas med bibliotekskort

De flesta e-bokstjänsterna används med högskolans användarnamn och lösenord. Undantaget är e-böcker från Ellibs och Biblio, dessa lånas med Tritonias bibliotekskort och pinkod.

Foto av bibliotekskort

Appar för e-böcker

Saavutettavuusseloste Tillgänglighetsutlåtande