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Responsible research

Researcher's guide for responsible and open science.

Open access

Open access to scholarly publications means that research publications can be accessed and read online free of charge. Open access enables research results to be available to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Source:

Article processing charge (APC) and Book processing charge (BPC) are fees which the open access publisher might charge from the author or their institution to cover various publishing costs.

It is recommended to utilize in open access publishing the open access benefits FinELib has negotiated with scientific journal publishers. The benefits allow authors to publish their articles open access without the article processing charge or with a discounted charge. The conditions for receiving the benefits and the processes of the publishers vary. Read more here: FinElib, Open access benefits.


Self-archiving (also called parallel publishing or green open access) refers to the storing of a scientific publication or its manuscript with the publisher's permission in either a subject-specific repository or an institutional repository. Self-archiving improves visibility, availability and effectiveness of the research. Self-archived publications are also linked to the national service.

Articles published under a Creative Commons license do not need the publisher's permission for self-archiving. If the article is not published as open access in the publisher's service, the final accepted manuscript (also called author accepted manuscript or postprint) is self-archived according to the publisher's policies and taking into account the possible embargo period. Most research funders in Finland require open access publishing of peer reviewed publications in the projects they fund. This way the long-term storing and accessibility of the publication is assured.

You can check the instructions for self-archiving in the Open policy finder (formerly Sherpa Romeo) service, where you will also find more about the publishers' and journals' self-archiving policies.

Choosing publishing channel for scholarly articles

Make sure that sure the publishing channel you choose is the right for your research. Be careful especially if the publishing channel is previously unknown. The reliability of open access journals can be assessed in the same way as traditional scientific publications. At least, the following should be considered:

  • How is the publisher's contact information stated on the website?
  • Does the publishing channel have an ISSN number?
  • Is the journal's information listed in, e.g., DOAJ, JUFO Portal, SJR - Scimago Journal & Country Rank, FT50, SNIP, AJG, Open policy finder (formerly Sherpa Romeo)
  • Possibility of parallel publishing / embargo
  • Have other researchers in your field published in the journal?
  • The quality of previous articles published in the journal
  • How is the peer review process organized?
  • Who are the members of the journal's editorial staff?
  • Is the journal indexed in the databases within the field (e.g. Web of Science and Scopus)?

Be wary of predatory publishers.

You should always use the principle of Think - Check - Submit. For more information see video below.

Evaluating scholarly publications

Evaluating research and publications in universities and research departments is an important part of today's academic world. The evaluation is carried out by university administration, single researchers and external evaluators, among others. The scientific field focusing on measuring scholarly publications, authors and citations is called bibliometrics.

Bibliometric services in Tritonia.

In the LibGuide Evaluating scholarly publications, you can find more information about research evaluation tools, where to find impact factors and h-indexes and lists of researcher profiles and networks.

Publishing services

Research databases and parallel publishing

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences

Justus publication data storage service and parallel publishing in the publication archive Theseus.

University of Vaasa

Review process of publications in the SoleCRIS research information system and parallel publishing in the publication archive Osuva.

Novia University of Applied Sciences

Justus publication data storage service and parallel publishing in the publication archive Theseus.

Publishing in own series

Publications of the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences publication series

Publications of the University of Vaasa publication series
Guide and templates (Libguides)

Publications of the Novia University of Applied Sciences publication series

Instructions and guidance on the Novia intra (requires login)

Publishing research data

Support for publishing research data and metadata in trusted national or international data archives

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