World Development IndicatorsIncludes statistics worldwide since 1960. The indicators focus on different economic, social and environmental aspects.
ETLA publicationsETLA Economic Research is a private, non-profit economic research institute that conducts independent, applied economic research on key issues for Finnish business and the national economy.
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search EngineOne of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources, operated by Bielefeld University Library
DART-Europe E-theses PortalEuropean doctoral theses and some master's dissertations, most of which are available in full-text
DiVA - Swedish thesesA finding tool and an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at 50 universities and research institutions
Finna.fiMaterial from Finnish archives, libraries and museums, also theses of universities and universities of applied sciences
You can easily see which e-resources are available through your university's Finna by using Google Scholar's library links.
Publication evaluation
Publication Forum (Jufo)Publication Forum maintains and develops the classification of scientific publication channels in Finland. The base of the Publication Forum system is a qualitative classification of scientific publication channels in all scientific fields. The evaluation of publication channels takes place in 23 field specific expert panels.